by Lola Stone Contest Coordinator

Happy New Year! Contest season is a special time in Toastmasters, and that season has arrived.

The pandemic continues to affect how we participate in our Toastmasters meetings – contests are not excluded.

As of January 5, 2022, all District 25 Area, Division and District speech contests will be virtual due to the continued COVID threat.  Club contests may be held in the format (virtually, in-person or hybrid) that works best for your members.

District 25 will conduct the following contests for the 2021-2022 Toastmaster year:

  • International Speech Contest – 5-to-7 minute speech on any topic of the contestant’s choice.
  • Evaluation Contest – 2-to-3 minute evaluation of the test speech.

Club officers, make sure you’ve scheduled your club contest at least two weeks before your Area Contest is scheduled.

Area and Division Contest dates are posted here. Flyers and Zoom links will be available soon.

Test Speakers wanted. Are you that person? If so, we need YOU. When conducting a Speech Evaluation Contest, one additional person is needed: a Test Speaker for the contestants to evaluate. This should be someone contestants haven’t heard speak before.

A Test Speaker presents a 5-to-7-minute speech, similar to presenting in a club setting. Instead of one person from your club giving you an evaluation, each of the contestants of the Evaluation Contest will give you an evaluation. Receiving evaluations from more than one evaluator is a great way to improve your speech presentation skills.

We learn as we grow. Are you willing to grow as a person, speaker, and leader? When a member steps out of their club and attends other events in the district, that’s when growth sprouts exponentially. If you’d like more information or are interested in filling this role, please communicate to your Area Director, District leader, or myself that you are available to be a Test Speaker.