December 2021 Open House Winner – Longhorn Toastmasters

December 2021 Open House Winner – Longhorn Toastmasters

by Emily Murray DTM Club Growth Director

Whew! What an Open House! Longhorn finished the year with a BANG! On Dec 20, 2021 Thenishia Smith drew in a good crowd by advertising the Open House in the City of Fort Worth Roundup. President Annette Henderson went above and beyond making sure that the meeting was a success, coordinating members, guests, invited special guests, special events, roles, agendas, the gift exchange, etc!

There were eight guests present, three of which were Area Director, Phylliss C-Daniels, Division Director Donna Young and Special Guest, D25 Club Growth Director, Emily Murray.

A gift exchange was organized so well that it worked well even in the hybrid environment to make the meeting that more fascinating. One of the guests has even already joined as a result of this Open House!

Check out clubs conducting Open Houses this Toastmaster year and winners. Click here
Don’t forget that when your club holds an open house and completes form with brief details and picture(s) club’s name will be in drawing for $25 Toastmasters gift certificates.  If open house meeting is a Golden Gavel Gavel meeting and club’s name was drawn, prize will be $50. Golden Gavel details – click here

Check out new web page with club celebrations – click here