Gifts that Surprise
by Ninfa Flewitt DTM District Director
As we celebrate all the holidays this time of year, I like to reflect on the things for which I am thankful.
I am thankful for the gifts that we least expect. As a Toastmaster, we expect to give speeches, take on roles during a meeting and maybe learn some tricks to overcome the fear of speaking in public. Let’s discuss the surprise gifts we get as Toastmasters.
I have never been afraid to speak to a group of people, but now that I am a Toastmaster, I know that I will sound much more knowledgeable with limited use of filler words! I have self-confidence! What a fabulous gift!! My use of crutch and filler words is diminished and when I speak, I know how to coherently put together content – speech writing skills!
I learned in 2019 that I can lead a team, a gift that I have used every year since!! My first real team to lead was the 2019 Annual Conference, then Division Director, PQD, District Director. Every leadership role I accepted, was a gift to me. I have been given the opportunity to have a front row seat as I bring other leaders along with me.
The biggest surprise gift I have received from Toastmasters is the family of support we have built by a common goal… personal development through membership in Toastmasters. When we celebrate, YOU are there! When we work hard to put on the best event or training, YOU are there!! I could not, cannot, and will not do this without YOU! You are family. I am Inspired by YOU and all you do to support me and each other!!
May you be showered with the gifts of membership this holiday season and all year! Let us ring in 2022 thankful for the surprise gifts we get as Toastmasters!!