By Ross Moore, MS3, Club Extension Chair
What: Club Success Workshop: Conducting a Business Meeting – Making Bad Meetings Better!
When: Saturday, December 11, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (Zoom Bridge will open at 8:50 a.m.)
Where: Zoom (Link to be provided upon registration.)
Have you ever attended a Toastmaster meeting that lacks organization, is hijacked by one or two members, or nothing seems to get accomplished? Have you participated in a club vote where the ballots were confusing or misleading?
Toastmaster International club meetings should abide by Parliamentarian rules. But what about those who don’t know the rules? I admit, I’m often stymied by them. What’s a Toastmaster to do short of becoming a Robert’s Rules of Order expert?
December’s Club Success Workshop, hosted by Ross A. Moore, MS3, is here to help. This event will address the following techniques:
- Fundamental Principles of Parliamentary Procedure
- The Governing Document
- The Agenda
- Making a Motion
- Commonly Used Motions
- The Rules of Debate
Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us on Saturday, December 11, at 9:00 a.m. for this free event. This class will be impactful for all attendees from the newest Toastmaster to long-experienced club officers. Click here to register.
Our Dallas-based guest speaker, Kay Allison Crews (CPP-T, PRP), is a professional Parliamentarian and is the immediate Past President of the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP).