A Glimpse Inside the Business Meeting

A Glimpse Inside the Business Meeting

by Keith E. Boepple, DTM

One of the most overlooked, yet most important, parts of our District 25 2021 Conference is our Business Meeting. During this time, reports from each Division are heard, the annual Budget report is given, reports from the trio are presented, and the club alignment report is given.  All of this was done in true superhero fashion by our leadership.  To me, the most important part of this meeting was the election of our District Leaders for the upcoming Toastmasters Year (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022).

I now have a different perspective on this election process, and the Business Meeting as a whole. Let me share some ideas of what I saw – what I learned – during this meeting.

First: congratulations to our new D25 Leadership.  We truly have a great team for our upcoming year.  Powerful people all who will guide us into continued growth moving forward.  I hope members of D25 will give full support to this team.

Second: In running for Division C Director, I saw how deep the comradery of the members of D25 truly is.  Each nominee, especially in the contested races (including mine), had the same goal in mind: to give back to the members of D25 in such a way that each member of the District can reach their fullest potential in their personal and professional lives.  Each nominee wanted the other nominees to do their best, to be the best, to use this experience to grow.  We KNEW that whoever won, the District was going to have the powers it needed to fly higher than ever before.  While the methods presented were different for each nominee, the vision was the same: to make D25 a place where lives are changed; one project, one role, one meeting at a time.

Third: The transparency of our District 25 Leadership is incredible.  There are no secrets about where we stand in terms of finances; club strengths and weaknesses, area and division victories and obstacles, District challenges.  Everything is there for all to see should the time be taken to see it.  Remember, ANYONE can attend the Business Meeting, and all of the Reports can be found on the D25 Website.  Nothing is hidden from any member.  Just take the time to look.

Fourth:  The Business meeting reinforced my love for this group of people called D25 Toastmasters.  We are truly a family that wants each person to be better tomorrow than we are today.

Finally:  I came into this conference unsure of my place in D25.  Although I lost the election, I learned I am renewed and re-empowered in endurance for the marathon I am on.   To grow forward, We ALL – every member of this District – need to use our gifts and talents to take D25 to the stars.  The business meeting lays out the foundation for us to build our future.  Each of us must now work together to build on that foundation.