Outstanding Member May 2020

Outstanding Member May 2020

By Jamie Pickering, DTM, District Director

Ever heard of Johnny on the spot?  D25 has a Jesse on the spot!  Jesse Ford that is.  He also responds to names like ‘someone’ as in “can someone do…” and ‘anyone’, “Anyone able to…”  No matter the ask, the time involved, or even if he knows how to complete the task, Jesse always looks at every opportunity to learn something, anything.

Let’s not forget my favorite name ‘Proactive Man’! He simply refuses to sit idle.  He continually looks for how he can help next. Never does the thought cross his mind if the ask is in his job desctiption – he just does.

That’s why Jesse Ford will now carry one more title, District 25 Outstanding Member of the Month!  Congratulations, Jesse!  I’m Celebrating You, 70 Years Strong!