By Jamie Pickering, DTM, District Director
The following was sent to members from Toastmasters International
May 6, 2020
Dear Toastmasters, Thank you for putting your trust in the Board of Directors as we work together to navigate this difficult time. COVID-19 has put a strain on the economy, directly affecting Toastmasters International and many of our members. We have been working diligently to find feasible and timely solutions with your best interest in mind; every decision taken by the Board of Directors has had serious consideration and discussion behind it. We would like to share three new decisions with you:
The magazine is still available online at If you prefer, you can also download a PDF of the monthly issue to print. The online magazine has digital benefits not included in the print version, such as: an interactive experience, extended photo galleries, timely topics, and exclusive video and audio content. For more information regarding decisions made by the Board related to COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 FAQ. The Board truly appreciates your support and commitment. We hope you will continue to find Pathways and the Toastmaster magazine sources of education and inspiration. Take care and stay safe, |