Membership Renewals Now Being Accepted!

Membership Renewals Now Being Accepted!

Club Officers should have received this email from Toastmasters International Monday, February 3, 2020 regarding dues renewals.

NOTE:  Update to renewal policy from Toastmasters International due to COVID-19 on March 16, 2020.  See new guidelines


February 3, 2020

Dear Club Officer,

Membership dues payments for the next renewal period are now being accepted! To keep your club in good standing, please submit all payments on or before April 1.

To pay online through Club Central:

  • Log in and select the Submit Payment option.
  • Select the members you wish to pay for by adding them to your cart.
  • Enter your credit card or debit card information.
  • Follow the prompts to process your payment.

Not paying online? You may also submit payments by fax or mail.

Please remember when submitting membership dues payments that the minimum requirement for a club to remain in good standing is eight members — at least three of whom must be renewing members from the previous period. Please visit the Renewal Dues FAQ for more information. If you have any questions, please email or call +1 720-439-5050.


Club and Member Support Team
Toastmasters International

This email has been sent to all club officers of clubs in good standing.


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