Second email was sent to all club presidents and secretaries regarding club proxy for Toastmasters International Annual Business meeting.
The second email which was sent July 9, 2019 gives details on how to handle proxy.
July 9, 2019 Dear Toastmasters Club President and Club Secretary, Your club has important votes to cast during the Annual Business Meeting at the Toastmasters International Convention. Clubs will vote to elect international officers and directors to the 2019-2020 Board of Directors as well as Proposals A through L to amend the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and the Club Constitution. Please plan to attend on Friday, August 23, at 4:30 p.m. in the Colorado Room at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center, Denver, Colorado. To learn and understand the roles, attributes and responsibilities, please review the Leadership Roles. As stated in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article X, Section 1, a Toastmasters club in good standing is entitled to two votes at the Annual Business Meeting. To make your club’s vote count, assign your proxy and cast your votes in one of three ways: 1. Send a delegate from the club who is attending the Annual Business Meeting to carry your club votes. 2. Designate a 2019-2020 district director to act as your club proxy. If (and only if) the district director is not in attendance, the next senior district officer attending the Annual Business Meeting will act as your club proxy. 3. Designate an active member from another club to act as your club proxy. NOTE: The Club President or Club Secretary must assign the club votes. If the votes are not assigned, they cannot be cast. Votes must be assigned even if you are assigning the votes to yourself. To assign the club votes, go to, log in, choose the club(s) you are assigning proxies for and click on Club Proxy. Once your club proxy is assigned, please advise the proxyholder to do the following: 1. Visit Credentials to obtain an electronic voting device prior to the Annual Business Meeting. The electronic voting device will not be distributed after the close of Credentials on Thursday, August 22, at 5:30 p.m. Your convention registration badge is required to receive a voting device. Credentials will be open: Wednesday 8 to 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 9 to 10:30 p.m. If you are not registered for the convention but wish to attend the Annual Business Meeting to cast your votes, you will still need to visit Credentials to obtain a voting device. You cannot vote during the Annual Business Meeting without a device. 2. Attend the Annual Business Meeting to cast your votes. You must be present during the meeting to cast your votes using the voting device. Voting devices must be collected after the meeting. If the officers in your club have changed, please notify World Headquarters immediately by going to the club business section of Club Central on the Toastmasters International website. You can also email the changes to or call the Member Engagement and Support department at +1 720-439-5050. Don’t miss the opportunity to interview international officer and director candidates prior to the Annual Business Meeting. To help you cast your vote for the best candidate, refer to these recommended questions to ask the candidates. For questions or additional information, please email or visit to review the Proxy Frequently Asked Questions. Sincerely, Toastmasters International
All presidents and secretaries should have received information below from Toastmasters International about Annual Business meeting to be held on Saturday, August 23. Here is letter that was emailed by Toastmasters International June 25, 2019. Look for next email outlining how to handle proxy.
June 25, 2019 Dear Toastmaster, Each year, the Annual Business Meeting allows clubs the opportunity to vote on important matters that shape the future of the Toastmasters International organization. This includes international officer and director elections as well as 12 proposals to amend the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and the Club Constitution. Clubs in good standing are entitled to two (2) votes for each election and proposal. The Annual Business Meeting will be held on August 23 in Denver, Colorado, during the 2019 Toastmasters International Convention. Start by learning about the candidates and the proposed amendments. At your next club meeting, take some time to discuss which candidates you feel will help lead Toastmasters International to a bright and prosperous future, while also deliberating over Proposals A through L. Make it official with a vote to determine how your club will cast their ballot. According to Article X of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, the club must designate a proxyholder to cast the club’s votes. Proxyholders are required to vote in the manner a club designates; if a voting preference is not designated, the proxyholder should vote in the best interests of the clubs and Toastmasters International. More information on voting by proxy will be emailed to club presidents, secretaries and liaisons in July. If you have any questions about the voting process, please email Sincerely, |
Make Your Club’s Vote Count! Proxy Information