Establishing a Common E-mail Group for Your Base Camp Manager

Establishing a Common E-mail Group for Your Base Camp Manager

By Greg Pick, DTM, Immediate Past District Director, Pathways Coordinator

Do your Base Camp Managers receive emails notifying them that a member has completed a Level in Base Camp?  This article provides one method for clubs to create a common email for notifying the Base Camp Managers.


Toastmasters International established the club Vice President Education as the key point of contact and identified any member holding this role as the Base Camp manager.  Since officers cannot be available 100 percent of the time, Toastmasters designated the club President and club Secretary as Base Camp managers to back up the club Vice President Education.

Toastmasters International elected to use an email that every club already uses for guests to contact the club as the contact for the Pathways Base Camp Manager.  Toastmasters International uses the email listed on the Club Contact and Meeting Information page in Club Central (as shown below) to be notification method to the Base Camp manager; however, there can be only one email listed.  For those clubs that use Free Toast Host, you can create a group email to place in that field.  (Note:  using this method results in three members receiving club contact emails.  It is recommended that one member be designated as the contact or responsible for forwarding the information to the club officer that returns guest inquiries.)

Creating the email group in Free Toast Host

Login to your Free Toast Host website as the administrator.  Select the Launch Admin Console tab (on left hand side).  When the Site Administration window opens select “Email & Contact Forms” from the drop down menu.  When the Email & Contact Forms window opens select the “Contact Us Form” tab.  When the Contact Us Form window opens do the following:

1  Load the officer roles of President, Vice President Education, and Secretary
2. Check the box that enables the email address

With the email enabled, paste the group email in the club contact field in Club Central.  NNNNNN represents your club number.

For clubs that do not use Free Toast Host

We have a couple of recommendations for clubs that do not use Free Toast Host:

1.  Create a protocol for the officer/contact listed in Club Central to be responsible for notifying the Vice President Education or make the Vice President Education the contact.  As previously discussed, this officer will also receive guest inquiries.
2.  Use a different platform to create your own group email that forwards to the President, Vice President Education, and Secretary of your club.

Pathways Resources

We have established an administrative aid to help members walk through this process in more detail on the Pathways resources page.  Please visit the Pathways Resource page to identify other resources that can help you.


The Base Camp manager will receive a notification when members complete a Level in their Path.  This notification is forwarded to the email listed in Club Central on the Club Contact and Meeting Information page.  Since only one email can be listed, it is recommended that clubs create a group email to notify the three roles who perform Base Camp manager duties.  Clubs using Free Toast Host have this method described in this article and at this link.