Happy New Year – Already?

Happy New Year – Already?

By Robi Ley,DTM,District Director

What do you mean it’s January? It can’t be? Didn’t we just get back from Chicago and the International Convention? Wow. Where has the time gone?

It does seem like time is speeding by this Toastmaster year. We are six months in and so much has happened. The focus, New Directions, New Destinations, has been embraced by members all across the district. We had our first ever virtual business meeting; it was a success. We held our Inaugural Summit; HUGE success. Fall contests took a new direction and we have seven, count ‘em, seven Division Champion Humorous speakers. Pathways is fully rolled out, and members are reaching new levels of achievement.

As for those thirty-five hard working Area Directors; well-done team. Our clubs and our members are being taken care of. We are remembering that the success of our district is based only on the success of our members. We are very proud of our Area Directors and all they do for their clubs. Our Division Directors also deserve a shout-out. The encouragement, support, and leadership they provide for their ADs is wonderful to see.

But we are only halfway through the year. We have some things yet to accomplish to reach our overall goals. When you set out your New Year’s Resolutions, take a look at your Toastmasters goals as well. Where are you on your journey? Have you made that one degree of change that is needed to take you in a new direction to a new destination? It’s not too late. We have six months to finish what we started. We can do it, together. In the words of Journey; “Don’t Stop Believin’.” Happy New Year.