Fall Business Meeting – Its Virtual!

Fall Business Meeting – Its Virtual!

By Greg Pick, Immediate Past District Director

Fall Business Meeting – Its Virtual!


At the August 20 22, 2017, Board of Directors (Board) meeting, Toastmasters International changed the Protocols related to conducting business meetings.  The changes specified there will be at least two business meetings each year.  The annual business meeting to elect officers for the upcoming year will be conducted in person and any other business meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting.  The virtual meetings will be conducted on a schedule approved by the district director and the district executive council.  The policy changes specified that the district budget will need to be approved and appointed officers confirmed by the district council by September 30 for submittal to world headquarters.  You can read the details of the changes here.


The District 25 fall business meeting will be conducted on Sunday, September 16, 2018, at 1:30 pm.  The meeting will be conducted using Zoom and is expected to last no more than 1 hour.  We will use Election Buddy to conduct voting.  Electronic ballots will be emailed to the district council members who registered.  The date for the meeting was posted on the District 25 website on August 18, 2018.  A list of appointed officers as well as the preliminary budget will be available for review by September 1, 2018.


Registration will be open from Sunday, September 2 through Sunday, September 9, 2018.  At the end of the registration period the Credentials Chairman, David Himmelstein, will ensure (1) district council members have the correct number of votes and (2) we have a quorum (1/3 of presidents and vice presidents education).  The quorum is based on the number of eligible votes and not the number of members voting.

Each district officer, club president and vice president-education will receive one vote for each office held.  Where a member serves multiple clubs as president or VP-education, they are eligible for one vote per office per club.  Each member serving as a combination of district officer, president or VP-education will be limited to a total of 2 votes total regardless of the number of offices held.  No proxies are allowed according to policy.


Members who want to observe the business meeting should contact Glenda Curry (glendacurry@d25toastmasters.org) to be added to the list attending the meeting.  Details about how to log into the meeting is below and will be posted on the website.

Information updated 9/16/2018
Members can observe the Fall Business meeting online by going to this
link https://zoom.us/j/594733265 and
using Meeting ID 594-733-265 or calling (408) 638-0986 or
(646) 558-8665 (enter Meeting ID when asked).
If outside the US use our country code 1+ before the numbers.
(Note:  you do NOT have to call-in to listen unless your computer cannot do audio.)