by Les Condit, DTM
Toastmasters has helped me to be a better speaker and to learn new leadership skills that are necessary to be successful in working with a volunteer type organization.
I admit that when I became an Area Director it was because it was something that I needed in order to meet the requirements for a DTM, but while I was an Area Director, I saw a way that I thought I could help Area Directors get ready for their roles by being a Division Director.
The next year I was elected as a Division Director and I greatly enjoyed the role and feel that I was successful in getting the Area Directors for Division C started on the right foot and at keeping them prepared for each next thing coming up. I had a fantastic group of Area Directors and I feel that how well we worked together helped make us all more successful.
Since then, District 25 has implemented retreats that are helping the Area Directors understand what they can do to be successful and I believe the retreats are very helpful for them.
After that I worked with the two clubs that I am a member of (Savvy Sayers and Swesters) and with NE Tarrant Toastmasters as their club coach. I feel that I have contributed to the success of all three clubs and I look forward to whatever is next in my service Journey with Toastmasters and other organizations that I work with. I have also contributed my service by helping with contests and conferences in different roles.
I encourage each of you to do the same. Become a judge to help the organization and for the new perspective that it gives you into what makes a speech a winner. I am very honored that my service has been recognized with Awards as Division Director of the Year and Toastmaster of the Year.