Invitation to the Spring Conference

Invitation to the Spring Conference

Fellow Adventurers of District 25,

You’re invited to the upcoming District Spring Conference.

As we travel on our journeys, we all have adventures that come along the way. Whether it’s getting that first education award, stepping up to leadership or stepping outside the club for the first time, we all have our own journey and adventures getting there. We can have our own adventures outside Toastmasters as well from the first job to the first promotion or maybe the first car that we purchase on our own. It some way or another Toastmasters or the skills and lessons that we learned are a part of that.

We have a lot of FU…N planned for you at the conference and are looking forward to having you join us. It all starts with the Friday Night Fun survey that will be open for a few more days (and it’s only 4 questions) and the other assignments (such as joining the D25 Facebook Group) that our Friday Night Fun co-chairs have, to help you get into conference mode. We have great keynote speakers and education sessions presenters from some of our very own district members to the First Vice President, Deepak Menon and even our Communication and Leadership Award recipient and former NBA player, Jermaine O’Neal. The District Council will elect next year’s leadership and you will get to the entertaining Tall Tales and International speech contests. We couldn’t forget about our world famous DTM ceremony that you’ll get to see either.

Where will your next adventure take you? Come see where Your Adventure Awaits and join us at the District 25 Conference on May 4 and 5.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Bob Beideck, ACS, ALS

D25 Spring 2018 Conference Chair