Toastmasters Help Warrior Mentorship Program

Toastmasters Help Warrior Mentorship Program

Allies in Service is a non-profit organization that provides employment support and referral services to service members, veterans and their spouses in the DFW area.

One of the programs Allies in Service offers is mentoring from executives with a variety of companies in the DFW area through the Warrior Mentorship Program.

Organizers from American Airlines and the Warrior Mentorship Program invited Toastmasters to participate in the October meeting.

Celeste Castro, DTM, and I eagerly agreed to help. We gave feedback on presentations and provided a session on the power of effective listening and positive word choices.

It was an honor for us to be involved in this project. Also, it was a great way to “spread the word” about the benefits of Toastmasters membership.

Marylee Mims, DTM, PDG

For more information about Allies in Service: