Area 72 Fall Contest
The 2017 Area 72 Fall Speech Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests held on September 28, 2017 was Outstanding and FUN! As Area 72 Director, I am grateful for the contribution from all four clubs in the area: AT&T Irving NOC, Barrels and Banter, MLCC Toastmasters, and Successful Speakers Club. I am writing to express my thanks and congratulations to everyone who competed, helped, and attended to make this contest a great success.
Congratulations to our winners of the night:
Speech Evaluation (Contestants: Kyle Berlin, Myron Green Sr., David Willis)
- 1st Place – David Willis from Barrels and Banter
- 2nd Place – Myron Green from AT&T Irving NOC
Humorous Speech (Contestants: Kyle Berlin, Bob Billings, Samuel D. Hartman)
- 1st Place – Kyle Berlin from Successful Speakers Club
- 2nd Place – Bob Billings from Barrels and Banter
Special Thanks to Pioneer Natural Resources and Barrels and Banter for hosting our event!
Thanks to everyone who helped make this an outstanding contest:
- Contest Chair – April Lewis
- Contest Toastmaster – Angela Butler
- Test Speaker – Justin Reeves
- Contest Facilities Chair & Refreshment Chair – Felicia Humphrey
- Contest Chief Judge – Celeste Castro
- Registration Chair – Vanessa Arias
- Greeters – Angela Thornton, Jannie Candie
- Timers – LaCretia White and Myriam Wilkerson
- Sergeant At Arms – Daniel Henderson, Bryan McCurry, Alexander Andrews
- Ballot Counters – Roxanne Schultz, Heather Steffen, and Cassondra Andrews
Thanks to Godfred Ahuma (Division G Director) and Prakash Murthy (District Representative) for supporting the contest.
Here is the D25 FB link to all of the Area 72 Contest photos.
I am honored to serve as the Area 72 Director.
Bobby Madera