2017 Fall Conference DTM Ceremony Participants

Hello Fellow Toastmasters

Have you received or will you receive your DTM by November 4?

If yes, will you be a part of the ceremony Saturday night, November 18th?

Please help me out by answering the following questions by October 21st and send them to John Bergs, DTM Chair at jkbergs86@yahoo.com.

1) Name:
2) Home Club Name:
3) Date you joined Toastmasters:
4) Date you recieved or expect to receive DTM:
5) Occupation:
6) What was your High Performance Leadership Project?
7) How has your Toastmaster membership affected your life, career?
8) What advice would you give to other members?
9) Now that you have achieved your DTM, what is your next goal?
10) What question do you wish had been asked?

Thank you.

John Bergs

2017 Fall Conference DTM Chair