Fall Conference Power Of One

Home / Conferences / 2016 Fall Conference / Fall Conference Power Of One
Marcheta Gardner
Fall Conference Chair
What?  You’re not registered for the conference?  So tell me, what’s the hold up!? 

Fellow Toastmasters and friends, we have a dynamic committee that has worked very hard to prepare a grand time for each of you!   

YES, we have keynote speakers that are sure to provoke your thoughts and challenge you to “step out of your comfort zone!”  

Education sessions about POWERful communication and POWERful leadership – creating a more POWERful YOU!  

In the Evaluation and Humorous contests – the best in our district will go head to head!  Talk about COMPETITION!!!

You will be served delicious meals.  Friday night is focused on FUN – including costumes and dancing!  Don’t miss out on the EPIC Fall Conference of 2016!  This will be an event to remember!

2016 Fall Conference Committee