District 25 has a new way for members to communicate… the D25 Toastmasters Bulletin Board on Facebook. It is a place where members can share information on topics of interest that are not necessarily District-related. If you wish to be a member of this group, please send a request to join from the Group page or ask another group member to add you.
How is this different from the D25 Facebook Page or Hot Topics?
- The D25 Facebook Page is a place for picture albums or announcements of District or Toastmaster-related events.
- Hot Topics is emailed twice a month and is about District 25 announcements, Toastmaster-related stories, or club special events.
What are the benefits to joining and using this new Facebook Group?
- Broader Content- Requests for judges of non-Toastmaster contests, or other posts that are not necessarily Toastmasters-related. Offers the opportunity to post about club special events, open houses, youth leadership events, gavel clubs, files, pictures, and accomplishments.
- Visibility- Posting to the D25 Toastmasters Bulletin Board will place your communications front and center instead of on the Visitor Posts section on the left-hand side of the current D25 Facebook Page.
We hope you will find this new Facebook group helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Amelinda Salas, DTM
Public Relations Manager
by Jodie Sanders