My Personal Reasons for Attending Conference

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Reason Number One: The Speech Contests

Competition at the district level is amazing.

Yes, there are some good evaluators and some funny people in my clubs. Actually, I think I am a fairly decent evaluator and I won third place in Humorous Speech at Division A in 2010! (Well, it was a big deal to me.) But all of this pales when I see the competitors at the district contests. The skills they demonstrate are both educational and entertaining — I always leave thinking that I have learned new things that will make me a better speaker, and a more discriminating judge at future contests. If I ever compete again, I feel like I’ll be a lot better from having seen all these district contests!

Reason Number Two: The Keynote Speakers and Presenters

These are not your everyday speakers.

I will hear people that are at the top of the speaking profession and in big demand in the Toastmasters world — more opportunities to learn and to be entertained. Two of our own members will educate and inspire us. Harry Schneider is our resident Tall Tales expert. I’ve always wanted to try doing one of those speeches. I am also looking forward to hearing our District Director Cindy Hinckley speak on a topic of currency in the Toastmasters world and something she feels strongly about — the importance of doing the right thing.

Reason Number Three: Meeting New People and Seeing Old Friends

I get to meet Toastmasters from other cities and other clubs.

Spring 2011 – with International President-Elect
Michael Notaro and District 25 Governor David Martin
At my first conference in the spring of 2011, I discovered what a valuable experience it was to meet new people. I learned about how other clubs did things. Knowing more people gave me a resource whenever I needed advice or help with a club issue. 

I made friends who have stayed with me ever since, and with whom I have worked on committees and in district service. It’s wonderful to see these familiar faces whenever I go to a contest, to an officer training, or to a club meeting, anywhere in the district.

This last thing has been the most valuable part of my conference experience for the last four years. I hope that it has been — or will be — the same for you.

Jodie Sanders
Program Quality Director