All presidents and secretaries should have received information by now from Toastmasters International advising how to assign your proxy for the Annual Business meeting to be held on Saturday, August 15.
As provided in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article X, Section 5, a Toastmasters club in good standing is entitled to two votes at the Annual Business Meeting. In order to make your club’s vote count, assign your proxy today!
The club president or secretary must assign the club votes. If the votes are not assigned, they cannot be cast. Votes must be assigned even if you are assigning the votes to yourself.
To assign the club votes, go to, log in, choose the club(s) you are assigning proxies for and click on the Assign/Delegate International Election Club Proxy.
I take your club votes very seriously. I, as your District Director, along with your Program Quality and Club Growth Directors, Jodie Sanders and Chuck Mencke, will be interviewing all International Officer and Director Candidates in Las Vegas prior to the Annual Business Meeting to ensure that any proxies assigned to the District Director will be cast in the best interest of our District 25 clubs. You also have the opportunity when assigning your vote to comment with any directions or specifics for your club’s vote. All comments will be adhered to.
You can visit for some answers to some frequently asked questions regarding proxies. I am always available as well. Please feel free to contact me at: cindyhinckley@d25toastmasters.organd I will be happy to assist.
Submitted by
Cindy Hinckley
District Director, District 25