Cooke County Area Toasters is Distinguished 4 years in a row, New Officers Installed.

Home / Club Events / Cooke County Area Toasters is Distinguished 4 years in a row, New Officers Installed.

Cooke County Area Toasters  (CCAT) celebrated a fourth consecutive year of achieving  Distinguished Club status, and kicked off a new year with the installation of club officers on Tuesday, July 14.

The new officers for 2015-2016 are President John Kinser, VP Education Gerald Gaulke, VP Membership Debra Poore, VP Public Relations Pauline Lesch, Treasurer Kay Kinser and Sergeant at Arms Michelle Selby. Area 52 Director Joyce Trimble conducted the installation ceremony.

Additional information can be found at and Contact John Kinser,, or Debra Poore at if you have questions about the club.

Submitted By Pauline Lesch