Contest Judges are in High Demand!

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Due to the limited number of Judges Training sessions and three additional Area contests (Area 26, Area 46 and Area 66), Judges and Chief Judges will be in HIGH DEMAND this contest season. District 25’s contest season consists of the 41 contests with at least 278 judging opportunities. With 2 contests happening simultaneously and 6 contests on the same day during our Area contest, we need a lot of judges. Up to 16 judges combined total are needed for just one time slot.

After the Club Officer Training, we have one more scheduled Contest Judges’ Training on July 26 from 12:30-2:30 PM Lunch & Learn. Location is Texas Woman’s University, Multipurpose Classroom-Laboratory Bldg. (MCL), 1314 N. Bell Ave., Denton, TX 76209. Campus Map

Have you wondered how our contest winners are selected? Do you think I already give and get evaluations in my club, what good will it do me to learn how to judge? Judging is not the same as evaluating. It is a different technique in our toastmaster’s tool box. At judge’s training, we learn a wealth of information to help us grow as speakers as well as give back to the district. We learn what the requirements are to win a contest, even an evaluation contest.

Anyone can attend the Judges training but what does it take to be a judge? You must be Toastmasters in good standing, have completed at least six Competent Communicator manual projects and been a Toastmaster for six months. In our Area, Division and District contests, judges at the contest should not be from the same club as a contestant that is competing. 

If you want to be a better speaker, you need to become a skillful judge too! Sign up for judges training at the upcoming July 26th TLI to hone your listening and judging skills and come enjoy the judging experience with us this Fall.

Submitted By 
Larry Harmon, DTM
Chief Judge