Be a DTM! It’s Easy!

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Have you considered how easily you can become a DTM? No, we’re not referring to being a Distinguished Toastmaster. That award, the highest recognition available in Toastmasters, typically takes years to earn. It’s well worth the effort, but that isn’t our focus here. Becoming a Dream Team Member (DTM) is also valuable. It’s easy, yet rewarding work that will earn you rapid recognition.

We launched the DTM program at the start of the year to help new members achieve their goals and see the benefits of a long journey in Toastmasters. The program can help clubs sustain and grow their membership by ensuring that new members get proper mentoring and motivation from experienced members. How long does that take? Months, usually, but even a few weeks of effort can help a new member make progress and feel supported as a Toastmaster.

You can be a Dream Team Member in 2013-’14 if you perform any of these actions:

  • Mentor a new or established member
  • Motivate a new or established member
  • Share best practices with other members or clubs
  • Serve as a district leader or on the district staff
  • Serve on a district committee or outreach team
  • Make an external presentation promoting Toastmasters

Doing any one of these makes you a Dream Team Member. You can get a certificate of appreciation for completing any two and a lapel pin for any three. You’ll earn an entry into our prize drawings for any actions you complete. Three prizes worth at least $75 will be given to winning members in drawings during the spring conference. To qualify for awards at conference you need to turn in info by April 15th. 

Your club earns the Dream Team Members ribbon if it has two Dream Team Members in 2013-’14. To get credit, send an e-mail to with your name, club and actions you’ve completed this year. It’s that easy!

The DTM program, which honors individuals who help other members, complements our district focus, Looking Forward, Giving Back. Clubs that take actions that facilitate member retention can earn rewards, too.

Please help us make the DTM program effective. If you’ve already completed the actions listed above, tell us about it and ask your fellow Toastmasters to follow your example. If you’ve not yet earned the right to call yourself a DTM, consider how easy it can be and get it done. We’ll all be winners when you do. 

Submitted by Dean Lampman
District 25 Governor