Learn Parliamentary Procedure for Effective Meeting Management Workshop
I know that you know who Ralph Smedley was. But did you know that the founder of Toastmasters International wrote a book in 1955 called the Great Peacemaker about the life of the author of Robert’s Rules of Order, General Henry M. Robert?
Mr. Smedley knew the importance of organizations using the correct procedures at their meetings and the contribution which General Robert made to that end.
And to that end the Texas State Association of Parliamentarians (TSAP) is holding a series of workshops to “Spread the Word around Texas” (SWAT) about the proper use of procedures in meetings.
LEARN TO use the rules of Parliamentary Procedure to your advantage by:
- Participating effectively in membership meetings;
- Protecting your rights as a member of organizations;
- Providing for an orderly nomination/election process;
- Presiding over a meeting effectively and efficiently (including sections on Agenda setting, handling business, and disciplining unruly members!)
The four P’s will increase attendance at your meetings by making them shorter, while still allowing your group to accomplish more, at the same time being fair to all members.
DATE: Saturday, March 29, 2014 (9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
PLACE: The campus of Baylor University (White-Beckham Room, Bill Daniel Student Center), Waco
WHO: Open to the public; if you belong to an organized group you will benefit from this workshop (i.e. student government groups, sororities/fraternities, political parties, civic associations, PTA’s, churches, professional groups, etc.). Or perhaps you just wish to learn more about this important subject.
INSTRUCTORS: Professional Registered Parliamentarians (all nationally known speakers in the field) including Kay Crews, current TSAP State President and two former TSAP Presidents
- $50.00 (the public)
- $40.00 (for Baylor University faculty & staff)
- $25.00 (for any high school or college/university student)
Includes a box lunch, all instruction and handouts, and a certificate of completion.
REGISTRATION: Visit www.TexasParliamentarians.org for on-line registration/payment (click SWAT – Waco) for payment by check – email dclarkrp@gmail.com for more information.