Do You Take a Tablet to Toastmasters?


No, not a pad of paper, but the electronic kind of tablet.

From palm-size to wall-size, video screens have become our ubiquitous servants. From our doctor’s offices to our car dealer’s service bays they are providing instant services never thought of a mere five years ago.

In 2014, is the pace of “instant” video communication about to impact Toastmasters?

The novelty of using tablet computers for meeting functions is probably already wearing off. With surprising frequency these all-too-common tech gadgets are occupying necessary positions in our tracking, monitoring, speaking and, most recently, our Toastmasters training. What’s next? How about one-on-one recruiting? If CD’s are used as résumés, why not use tablets as marketing tools for recruiting new clubs? If a two-minute “elevator speech” can sell personal qualifications, why not a five-minute video selling Toastmasters International qualifications?

The power of the ten-inch screen in front of corporate decision makers continues to fascinate and gain prominence. If Toastmasters is truly international, can an international meeting – on Skype – be far behind? Once the logistics of language, time zones and protocol are worked out, as they say, “We’re live.”

But, back to District 25. If your club has implemented the use of a tablet for a cutting-edge purpose, forward your story to Cindy Hinckley. We can compile our responses and, who knows, maybe create an article for Toastmaster magazine. The recent response to the “Lunch and Learn” at the last TLI indicates that our District is ready to market the benefits of using this next generation of “techy” tools.

I for one, am anxious to see your ideas.

Jesse Torres
Area 34 Governor


by Cindy Hinckley