Ever wonder how people get elected to District offices? The District Nominating Committee nominates candidates for district office and screens candidates for eligibility. Here’s the process the Nominating Committee follows to select future District officers:
- The Nominating Committee is usually headed by the Immediate Past District Governor. In accordance with this practice, this year Bonne Stroman is chairing the committee.
- Members of the Nominating Committee, one from each Division, are asked to serve.
- Elected officers include District Governor, Lt. Gov. Education and Training, Lt. Gov. Marketing, and six Division Governors. (District Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, and Area Governors are appointed by the incoming District Governor.)
- Candidates for elected office nominate themselves by filling out the Officer Agreement and Release Form and the Nomination Form available on the District website. Qualifications for officers and links to the two forms may be found here.
- Candidates for office must submit the two forms by Jan. 31, 2014.
- The Nominating Committee will schedule interviews after Jan. 31st when nominations are complete. Interviews will be held Feb. 15 at the Fellowship Hall at Polytechnic Church, Texas Wesleyan University.
- Following these interviews, the Nominating Committee votes on candidates. Each member of the committee votes for one or two candidates for the offices of District Governor and LGET, and votes for one or more candidates for the offices of LGM and Division Governors.
- All announced candidates for a district office must be considered by the Nominating Committee.
- To be nominated, a candidate must receive a majority vote of the Nominating Committee.
- Candidates who are not selected are informed of their eligibility to run for office from the floor at the district’s annual meeting.
- The Nominating Committee report announcing selected candidates is published in the District newsletter, Hot Topics, and on the District website at least four weeks prior to the District business meeting, to be held May 3, 2014.
- Members of the District Executive Committee serving in 2013-2014 are not allowed to endorse candidates for office.
Information about the nominations process may be found by clicking here.
Please contact bonnestroman@d25toastmasters.org if you have questions about nominations. The committee is dedicated to providing great leadership for 2014-2015!
Submitted by Bonne Stroman
District Nominating Committee Chairman 2013-2014