Bring Your Banners When You Get On Board!

Home / Conferences / 2013 Fall Conference / Bring Your Banners When You Get On Board!

Lining up outside the Grand Ballroom!

Be sure to pack up your Club Banner for the Fall Conference! The last two conferences we filled the perimeter of the Grand Ballroom with club banners.  

 Sergeant-At-Arms John Bergs announcing the clubs as their banners
are brought into the Grand Ballroom. 
Bill Erwin parading in with the banner for Tarrant County Toastmasters. 
Jodie Sanders with Off the Cuff’s Banner

Choose someone from your club to parade in with all of the Toastmasters carrying their club



Bonnie Crawford carrying Fort Worth Project Management’s Banner

Let’s fill the sides of the ballroom with banners again!

Please register your club so we have an idea of how many are coming and have enough banner stands.

Registration of your club banner is easy here

Come and show your club support with your banner at the conference. And, at the end of the conference, remember to pack and take your banner home with you when you leave.

You can also contact me with any questions at John Bergs‘.

John Bergs
District 25 Sergeant-At-Arms