Top of Texas Officers Tout TLI

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tout (tout) verb:  to praise or recommend highly

Here’s what four Top of Texas Toastmasters club officers had to say after attending Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) on June 29th:

After today’s TLI I am so fired up to be the next Top of Texas Toastmasters President!  It provided so much information and ideas; I can’t wait to work with you all! DeAnna Wolf, President

I had a good experience at Leadership Training today. I enjoyed the 3 classes I attended: Alternate Leadership – interesting class, panel discussion with District Leaders. Treasurer Class – I learned a few new things and hope what I learned will help me during this term. The final class I attended was the Effective Evaluator class, and I encourage all of our Toastmasters Members to attend this class if they can – it was very informative. Overall, I enjoyed this full leadership seminar and hope to attend again. Thank you all for the opportunities you have given me. Anne Brown, Treasurer

I got several good ideas about web site and club promotion! Jeff Wright, VP Public Relations

TLI was great yesterday! I went to an Alternate Leadership workshop. It was a panel led by Maurice Taitt and Susan Gardner and facilitated by Jay Mayfield. Maurice and Susan have a lot of valuable experience to share and I enjoyed the format. They talked about praising others, helping them find their leadership skills, letting them know their value, and focusing on the good stuff in my club. The workshop was interesting and I’m excited about putting the information into practice! Sandra Price, VP Education