Be Distinguished!

distinguished    /dis’tiNGgwisht        adj.     successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect. Showing dignity or authority in one’s appearance or manner. Synonyms: eminent, outstanding, prominent, notable, great

A couple of weeks ago, Ryan Avery, our current World Champion of Public Speaking, presented a workshop for District 25. He emphasized that in order to achieve our goals, we must THINK BIG! We should visualize ourselves as already achieving the goal and then write it down as if it were already a reality. While he was practicing for the International Speech competition, Ryan created a poster on which he wrote his name, followed by the words “2012 World Champion of Public Speaking.” He placed the poster where he would see it every day. Then he worked hard to make it happen. The rest is history!

His advice: Write your goal down. Visualize yourself as already achieving your goal!

So here is our district’s THINK BIG goal, written down so that we all can visualize it.

Think Big Goal: District 25, Distinguished for the fourth year in a row! Visualize yourself attending the Toastmasters International Convention in Cincinnati this August, crossing the stage with our big banner proclaiming our achievements, receiving our District’s awards from International President John Lau. Now picture John and all the District 25 members putting on clown noses!

The reality: We are not there yet! We still have more goals to meet before we are a Distinguished district. We need to add more members, more new clubs, more Distinguished clubs. We need to work with a few remaining clubs to complete dues payments. But these goals can be accomplished if we all work to make them a reality. Let’s make it happen!

What can you do? Make sure that your club is Distinguished. Strive to add a few more members to your roster before June 30. Complete that CC, AC, or CL or encourage someone to do so.

Your club can be Distinguished: successful, respected, outstanding, notable, GREAT!
Remember that each goal your club accomplishes represents the achievement of an individual who successfully completed an education or leadership goal, attended training, fulfilled expectations of that office, and developed communication and leadership skills. Visualize you and your club being recognized at the District 25 Awards Banquet in August!

Finally, if your club is Distinguished, then it is likely our District will meet its goals. Thank you for Exploring the Possibilities of communications and leadership with me this year. It has been a great honor to serve as your District 25 Governor 2012-2013. Or while I am visualizing meeting my goal, I should probably write . . .
Bonne K. Stroman, DTM
Distinguished District 25 Governor 2012-2013!!