International President John Lau has challenged District 25 and each of the other Districts in Region 3 to commit to chartering seven new clubs by the end of this Toastmasters year. On behalf of District 25, District Governor Bonne Stroman accepted the challenge!
International President John Lau shows how to round up new members. |
How can you help? If your workplace or church needs a Toastmasters club and you think that you can round up 20 members before the end of June, contact Bonne Stroman or Lt. Governor Marketing Marylee Mims with your lead. You can earn Club Sponsor credit toward your Advanced Leader Silver award if you are successful in chartering a club. As a special thank you, if your club charters by June 30, you will receive a $50 gift certificate from the Toastmasters Store.
Find out how to charter a new club here.