Everybody Wants a Promotion!

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Wow! February is here! The Groundhog says that spring is on its way! If we want our clubs to be Distinguished in 2012-2013, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work! Your D25 Leadership Trio returned from our Mid-Year Training ready to go to work to help YOUR club reach Distinguished status.

First, we updated promotions. “Spring Forward” has some of the popular components of last fall’s “Go for the Gold” but with a new social media component. We also updated the “20-20 Vision” promotion. Check out the detailsfor these two promotions on the D25 website.

We have a new incentive for clubs to host a Speechcraft program, which allows experienced Toastmasters to present the fundamentals of public speaking to non-members in an atmosphere of a Toastmasters club meeting. It’s a great way to promote membership in your club, as Speechcraft brings prospective new members to a meeting to see, first-hand, what Toastmasters is all about. We will reimburse a club $30.00 if the group hosts a Speechcraft program between now and April 30. This amount will cover the $25 kit (includes leaders’ materials and enough manuals for 5 participants) and the $4.50 cost of the Speechcraft Promotional Kit (or 2 additional participant manuals @ $2.50 each). Clubs will turn in their receipts for the kit, plus a Speechcraft schedule and/or agenda to receive reimbursement. Learn more about Speechcraft here.

And don’t forget about our Open House promotion. Host an Open House in February or March in order to build membership before March dues payment time comes around. Your club will get a ribbon for your banner and a chance for a great drawing. Please enter new members right away! They are eager to get started and need their materials as soon as possible!

Many of our promotions involve club achievement, but we have do have a great program for the individual member as well, our popular D25Elite and Star Awards. Don’t forget to sign up and make the commitment to be an outstanding member of District 25!

We have lots more promotions. See all our promotions here. 

Henry David Thoreau wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” I hope that each of you has a “castle in the air,” a dream that your club will be Distinguished or better in 2012-2013. Your leadership team would like for each club to achieve Distinguished status by April 30th so that we can celebrate at our Spring Conference May 3-4. I hope that each of you will work to build the foundations that result in a successful club with committed members.

Continue to Explore the Possibilities!

Bonne Stroman

District Governor