Statistics show that the average club will lose 20-40% of its members every year. Most do not leave because someone gave them a bad evaluation, they didn’t fit in, or they didn’t see the value of Toastmasters. A few may get their CC or CL and think that is all they need to do, so they bow out. However, most leave because life happens. They are transferred, have to take on a second job, have health issues or other family obligations which prevent them from coming.
So, a healthy club is always in a recruiting mode, and with John Lau’s 1+1 challenge, a membership drive to kick off 2013 is not only timely but vital. But, how do you conduct a successful one?
Sometimes it’s as simple as asking your club’s members to invite guests to a special meeting. At this meeting put on a great show!
- An experienced member should be the Toastmaster of the day.
- You may wish to have an advanced speaker or special guest speaker (such as a business or community leader) and a beginning Toastmasters speaker. The advanced speaker shows what Toastmasters can do, and the beginning speaker shows that all levels of speaking proficiency co-exist within the club.
- The evaluators are important, too! Choose evaluators who can give “model” evaluations – not too soft, not too hard. Make sure you plan your meeting well in advance so participants have ample time to prepare and so the invitees can plan ahead.
Many clubs also conduct organized membership building contests. These programs usually involve points for participation in the program and rewards for those achieving the objectives. Toastmasters International has a helpful brochure for your membership-building efforts called Shaping Membership, Shaping Meetings, Shaping Lives – Success 101 (Catalog No. 1622). Printed versions are available free of charge from Toastmasters International when you place a supply order. You may also download it here:
Other membership sources can be found at
Happy New Year from Marylee Mims, Lt Governor Marketing