Have you considered becoming a club officer? Or, maybe you have been Sergeant at Arms or Secretary for the last three terms and want to try something new.
Go ahead and take that step! You will see your leadership skills blossom, become more in tune to the happenings around your area, division and district, and feel you have given back and helped others achieve their communications and leadership goals.
Becoming a club officer is not that daunting. You are not shoved out of your comfort zone into a vast wilderness all alone. Not in Toastmasters. Your area, division and district leaders will bend over backwards to provide the tools you need and the advice and support when you want it.
Here are the seven officer positions in the club:
VP Education
VP Membership
VP Public Relations
Sergeant at Arms
But what does each officer do?
A synopsis of what each officer does can be found in the back pages of the Competent Communication manual. Check them out. If one officer opportunity looks like it might be up your alley, then here are three things you can do –
1. Come to a TLI training and learn more about it. Why?
- It’s free.
- People who have been in these club positions will be leading informational training on exactly what each officer’s duties are to their club.
- You will network with others and have contacts you can call if you ever need advice, an encouraging word, or some new ideas about how you can best serve your club.
- There are workshops you can attend as well.
2. Ask the current officer to help mentor you so when you are elected you will feel more comfortable in that role.
3. Then ask your president to be put on the ballot to be elected for that position the next time your club holds officer elections.
Each club elects these officers – they are not appointed. Depending on your club’s bylaws, officer elections might be on an annual or semi-annual basis. (In June, or in December and June). Every six months, District 25 provides ample opportunities for you to become better trained in your roles as an officer.
The goal is to have all seven of these officers fully trained. If your club does, it gets a Super Seven Ribbon. But more than that, it becomes stronger and better managed because the officers know what they are doing and work well together.
Toastmasters Leadership Institute – it’s for everyone, it’s free and it’s a lot of fun.