Julie B Cosgrove, ACS, ALB, who is the D25 News Editor and club president for Top Notch Toastmasters, has two huge events in the upcoming week. Julie is a Christian author of five books. Two of them, both of which were released this year, will be receiving recognition.
On Tuesday, 11/20 – Julie will be featured as Author of the Week on ChristianEbooksToday.com for her novel Focused published by CrossWords Press in Kindle and paperback.
On Tuesday, 11/27- she will be recorded in an interview for the Dottie Coffman Show, which broadcasts via WIMO 1300 AM out of Atlanta, GA. The topic will be her Bible study Between the Window and the Door published by Abbott Press. It will air Thursday, 11/29 at 9 am and 4 pm. You can also listen on www.moralradio.com.
Julie was featured on a radio blog show with Ann Nicole Sibley called “The Characteristics of a Christian Woman” last September. You can hear that broadcast on her website http://www.juliebcosgrove.com/about.html (after a 6 minute musical intro.)
She contributes her ease of being interviewed and recorded to her experiences in Toastmasters. She states Table Topics has particularly helped her think on her feet as well as answer the questions during the interviews without hesitation or crutch words. Anticipating this will just be the beginning, she is currently working on the advanced manual, “Communicating on Video”.
Julie leads women’s workshops and retreats. In 2012, she has spoken to groups in the Houston area, Brownwood, Wichita Falls, Fort Worth, Longview, Springdale, AR and in Indianapolis at a national religious convention. According to Julie, the advanced manuals of “Speaking to Inform” and “Facilitating Discussions” as well as “The Entertaining Speaker” have helped her tremendously in further developing her workshop leading and lecturing skills.
A full time freelance writer, Julie has recently been commissioned to develop a mission-minded Bible study for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund which sponsors missionaries in 34 countries. Julie is also one of eleven authors chosen to contribute to a summrized commentary on all the books of the Bible for Bible Reading Fellowship Publications to be published in 2015. Her month long study of Colossians and Philippians for The Journey by the same publishers will be released in March, 2013.
Her articles have been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul and several of The Upper Room magazines as well as Good News Daily, Light From the Word and The Secret Place. She writes weekly for two Christian women’s blogs, The Christian Woman and Truth Media’s Power to Change out of Canada, as well as for her own blog Where Did You Find God Today?