Cooke County Area Toasters Winners

Pauline Lesch, Vice President Public Relations Cooke County Area Toasters in Gainesville let us know what happened at their contest on Sept 25.
Drum rolls please . . .


MJ Pressley, winner of the Club contest on September 18, represented Cooke County Area Toasters at the Area 52 Humorous Speech Contest on October 6.
( We hear he made them proud. He placed second.)


 Three members of Cooke County Area Toasters competed in the Club’s Speech Evaluation Contest on September 25. Pauline Lesch, left ,represented the Club at the Area 52 Contest. The other contestants were Stephen Harlow and Denise Brewer. 


By the Way- Pauline WON! She moves on to the Divison E Contest.
Plus, CCAT will host the Hospitality Suite at the circus-themed District 25 Fall Conference, to
be held on Friday-Saturday, November 16-17, in Irving. Club member Cindy Hinckley, DTM
is Conference Chair, and members Becky Miller, Kay Kinser and Amelinda Salas are
on the Conference Team.
By Julie Cosgrove