TI’s New Dashboard Tool for Distinguished Performance Reports Is Online Now . . . Sort Of


Toastmasters International has a new online tool for displaying your club’s Distinguished Club Program (DCP) report. It’s called the Distinguished Performance Report Dashboard, which I will refer to as the “Dashboard.” (There is a second version called the HTML Dashboard.)
Important information to know about the new system:
  • To use the Dashboard with all of its interactive features, you must have a browser plug-in called Microsoft Silverlight installed on your computer.
  • If you are unable to use Silverlight, the HTML Dashboard provides most of the information but without all the features.
  • The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document provides answers for the most common technical problems and explains how to navigate through the Dashboard.
  • If you had a link on your club’s website to your DCP report, it no longer works. Currently, it is not possible to create a direct link to a club’s report.
On the Members Home page, click on “Distinguished Club Program Reports” in the left menu to access the Distinguished Performance Reports page, http://www.toastmasters.org/DistinguishedPerformanceReports.
Here are links to the Silverlight download page, the FAQs, the Dashboard itself, and the HTML Dashboard. Previous years’ DCP data are in the Historical Reports. The D25 Reports page is also a good place to find all the direct links.
District view
Inside the Dashboard
Direct link to the Dashboard: http://www.toastmasters.org/reports
Direct link to the HTML Dashboard: http://dashboards.toastmasters.org/html
  • On the Dashboard Home, you have the option of entering your club number to go straight to your DCP report, or of choosing District 25 from the dropdown arrow.
    Mouse over the lower right corner to see recent updates to the Dashboard.
  • In the District view you can scroll through all the clubs; in the Club Overview (upper right quadrant), click on the Club Details button to see all clubs with the DCP goal columns. You may also select a specific club, area or division to view.
    Don’t use the browser’s back button; select the Home or District buttons in the upper right corner to return to your starting point.
Excel Export Advanced Options
  • The Export button allows you to send the data to an Excel file. Currently it is not enabled for the HTML Dashboard.
    If you get a Runtime Error, close the box and click the District button to go back. The Export function does not always work; come back later and try again.
  • The More Reports button connects to the daily reports — Dues Renewal Status, Officer List Status, Educational Achievements, etc. These are the same as before and Silverlight is not needed to see them. Direct link: http://reports.toastmasters.org/reports/reports.cfm?d=25
This is a work in progress. There are still bugs to fix and new features to be added. Something may work fine one day and not the next. Eventually, it will all come together. My recommendation is to be adventurous — just click on things and see what happens!
Jodie Sanders