Feel free to customize the messages below by changing the D25 links to your own club’s website address.
You can make a difference in whether your club, area, division and district achieve their goals. Please go online to invite others to join Toastmasters.
It’s a simple thing you can do in minutes via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Meetup and other social media outlets. (If you’re not on those yet, this may be a time to try them; contact me if you need help.) You can also simply send out e-mails.
So here’s a challenge for all D25 Toastmasters. Periodically (i.e., as often as possible) share one or more of these messages, or your own variations, with your local colleagues, friends and family:
- Afraid of public speaking? Conquer your fear, have fun and make friends in Toastmasters. Learn more at www.d25toastmasters.org.
- You give much to others. Shouldn’t you invest in yourself? Reap the benefits of Toastmasters for just $6 a month: www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Cat got your tongue? Get it back! Join Toastmasters. Find the club that’s right for you at www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Need a job? Grow your network and sharpen interview skills in Toastmasters. Learn more at www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Develop speaking and leadership skills, learn to think on your feet, and have fun. Join Toastmasters! Visit www.d25toastmasters.org.
- No, we’re not a pastry shop. In Toastmasters, we turn out public speakers and leaders. Join us! www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Winds of change blowing your way? Learning to speak and lead effectively is a breeze in Toastmasters: www.d25toastmasters.org.
- It’s the safest place you’ll ever find to grow beyond your comfort zone. Find a Toastmasters club near you: www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Gotten bogged down while climbing the corporate ladder? Pick up new skills and friendly advice in Toastmasters: www.d25toastmasters.org.
- What’s Toastmasters? A training program that’s helping millions be better speakers and leaders. Join us! www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Soft skills such as communications and leadership aren’t hard to learn. We prove it in Toastmasters! www.d25toastmasters.org.
- Give your staff that gift that keeps on giving: membership in Toastmasters. Find clubs near you at www.d25toastmasters.org.
That’s a dozen Twitter-friendly messages you can post (one for each day of the rest of this Toastmasters year). Yes, this should be accompanied by a comprehensive D25 social media marketing strategy. Someday we’ll have that, but the eleventh hour is now here. Please accept the challenge. Get and stay involved in marketing. It matters!
Dean Lampman
Lt. Governor Marketing
By Jodie Sanders