Some of the responses to our post-conference survey:
“I came to the conference because I thought it would be fun. I was right. The most significant part of the conference was the speech contests. To me, no matter who won, listening to all of the speakers was the highlight of the conference.”
“Being among my friends and fellow Toastmasters. Seeing them do well makes me smile. Also, the DTM Ceremony is always great.”
“Education and Contests. FRIENDS!”
“I came because Mary was in charge!! I came because I have been before and wanted to learn some more. I came because my honey came. I can because I know I learn from the contest speakers. I liked being able to serve/volunteer. Thanks for letting me help.”
“Dale Hansen FOR SURE at the luncheon! I’m a long time TM and D25 just put on really good conferences!! THANK YOU!”
“I came because I enjoy coming. I always learn something. I always make new friends. It’s always a growth experience in some way for me.”
“This was my 4th time attending the D25 Conference and the most significant part for me and it has been was the DTM ceremony. When the candidates lit their candles, those tiny flickering flames gave me inspiration; guidance in my Toastmasters journey and made me dream of coming up on that stage someday and inspire others as I light my own candle.”
By Jodie Sanders