Mary Walker brought this poster that was made by her students to the conference. I thought it was appropriate for this article.
I hope that each of you has let your light shine throughout this Toastmaster year. Perhaps this was stepping outside your comfort zone to be a club officer for the first time, competing in a club contest, attending your first conference, or completing that first education goal.
There have been some amazing successes already this year, but it’s time to make a few more lights shine bright.
I want each member, officer and club to shine brightly when this Toastmaster year comes to an end on June 30, and put a plan in place to keep that light shining brightly into the future.
How close is your club to being Distinguished or better? Here are some things that you as a member and officer can do to let your club’s light shine:
Complete that education goal that you set at the beginning of the year
Completion of club goals are still within reach – make sure it happens!
Add members
- Call those members that haven’t renewed for April or even last October
- Call guests from open houses
- Have the best meetings possible to attract guests and add members
- Speech Craft
- Open House
- Membership Campaign
My hope is to see more clubs Distinguished or better than we had at the end of 2010-2011. I hope that is your hope, too. We have less than two months to make this happen.
It’s Time to Shine!
Diana Patton
District Governor
By Jodie Sanders