Hope (You) Had a Great Time at Conference!

Rose Timmons, Warren Ehn and Hope Hill
Click on photos to enlarge.

The 2012 Spring Conference was the best conference I’ve ever attended. Hotel check-in and rooms were great. The conference committee worked tirelessly for months, planning and preparing. Registration was painless to pick up badge, tickets, and quality goodie bag. Decorations and programs complemented the theme, “Ignite the Flame!”  The First Timer’s Booth was “womaned” with friendly and enthusiastic ladies who welcomed new conference attendees with additional activities andgoodies.

Dean Lampman and Ron Clark

Banner Parade kicked off the event. After a delicious dinner, many attendees put on their toga outfits for the contest. If that wasn’t funny enough, the Tall Tales Contest furnished lots of laughs. The fun and fellowship continued at Friends at the Forum(Hospitality Room) until midnight.

Wichita Falls is well represented
by Nathan Rogers and Larry Lambert
Saturday morning’s breakfast meeting featured enlightening history about Toastmasters and experienced Toastmasters’ ideas on how to improve Toastmasters. Education sessions were packed with attendants eager to learn the tips of the trade. The Business Meeting to elect the new district officers was standing room only.
Conference First Timers are recognized.

The Awards Luncheon paid tribute to the many achievements of members, Clubs, Areas and Divisions. Keynote speaker Dale Hansen was presented with the 2012 Communication and Leadership Award.

Isabelle and Terry Cox . . . love and respect

The International Speech Contest was amazing with talent and variety of style. Glad I wasn’t a Judge this time. Free time for more Friends at the Forum or primping for the Saturday night dinner and ceremony for the new Distinguished Toastmasters. This event is an awesome, emotional experience to witness as each new DTM gets to express their feelings about becoming a DTM.

At the conclusion of the DTM ceremony, the 2012 Spring Conference was adjourned. Committee members immediately held a post-mortem on the conference to discuss what worked well and ways to improve the process for next fall conference. Toastmasters and guests retired to the Friends at the Forum, to their rooms, or traveled home, pumped-up after a fun-filled, high-energy weekend filled with Toastmasters.
Chuckles the Clown and sidekick Dean Lampman

Start planning now to attend (and volunteer at) the Fall Conference on November 16-17, for District 25’s GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!

Hope Hill

Las Colinas Communicators



By Jodie Sanders