What Do You Need to Do to Be Distinguished?

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”  

—Arnold H. Glasgow

What does your club need to do to be Distinguished or better?

Remember when our Toastmaster year began on July 1, 2011 and we put together our club success plans to ensure that we knew who was going to complete their education goals? I hope your club worked the plan throughout the year and is on track to be Distinguished or better.

We have three more months to make sure that each person needing to complete an education goal is on the schedule to finish that last speech and feel that sense of pride and accomplishment. By completing our personal goals we not only help ourselves develop and grow, but also help our club feel successful.

If membership is the thing that keeps your club from being Distinguished, make sure you have quality meetings; as if you were going to have guests at each and every meeting. Have a plan for low attendance meetings.

Take a few minutes to see what your club needs to complete those Distinguished Club goals. Perhaps you will need to stretch yourself or encourage that member who needs three more speeches to complete their Competent Communicator before June 30. It can happen with a little planning, determination and encouragement.

Start planning for your success in 2012-2013. It’s never too early to make plans to complete an education goal at least every 18 months.

Let your light and the light of your club shine by being Distinguished or better!

Diana Patton
District Governor


By Jodie Sanders