Coming Soon: Membership Mondays

Beginning in March, District 25 will start presenting Membership Monday conference calls to help enhance the performance of your clubs. The calls will cover a wide variety of topics. Our first four topics will be:

Mar 5: Effective Membership Campaigns — moderated by Susan Gardner

Mar 19: Making the Best Use of FreeToastHost 2.0

— moderated by Jodie Sanders

Apr 2: Club Basics and the DCP

Apr 16: Presenting Moments of Truth

The format will be a conference call where you will be able to dial in, listen to a presentation, and then participate in a Q&A session after the presentation. This is an exciting way to gain additional information into ways to boost your club members, ensure that you know where your club stands on the DCP program, and help you and your club on your way to success!

The conference dial-in number is 1-712-432-3100; enter code 118670. Have your questions ready, and call at 8:00 pm.

More details are on the District 25 website.


By Jodie Sanders