In August 2010, a brave young woman brought Toastmasters to a small sales office in Arlington, Texas. Her ambition and tenacity inspired many to join the group as full-time members. Within a month, our primitive group became known as Anixter Talks-A-Lot. We quickly voted in officers who were dedicated to building a successful team. Our mission was to enhance our communication skills personally, professionally, and to have fun doing it.
The Toga Theme meeting! |
By offering Toastmaster meetings twice a month, our group has grown slowly but surely. Our first year included themed meetings, fall festival and Cinco de Mayo celebrations open to the company, group competitions, and end-of-year award ceremony for participation. This year we tweaked our meetings to focus on professional growth using Table Topics as a way to learn how to respond to specific issues at work. We replaced themes for awhile and added different items to the agenda, such as Toastmaster Tips and Listener Questions. Each change has provided growth and challenge to our group.
In September 2011, we voted to change our name to Soapbox Heroes. Ironically, this was the cusp of our charter opportunity as we finally developed enough members to formalize our group. We are proud and excited to be a part of an internationally recognized group that promotes professional and personal growth. We have seen many members mature in their ability to speak in front of colleagues as well as in public settings outside of work. Who would have guessed that growing and learning could be so much fun? We honor the core values at every meeting, balancing fun and formalities. It is our ongoing goal to build our group and enhance the lives of those around us.
Susanne Burton
Vice President Public Relations
Soapbox Heroes
by Jodie Sanders