The District 25 Speech Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests were held at the Fall Conference and were absolutely fantastic. Each and every contestant should be very proud of their shining performance. Thank you to the following for their participation.
Speech Evaluation
- First Place: Harry Schneider, United Communicators
- Second Place: Rucha Jani, BNSF Expressed
- Third Place: Michael Sheridan, Lakeside
Also competing in alphabetical order: Brenda Daniels, Afterburners; Jody Helton, Top Notch Toastmasters- TNT; Derek Newman, Speak With Success
Humorous Speech
- First Place: Tunia White, Kimbo Toastmasters
- Second Place: Phillip Folkertsma, Pro A.M.
- Third Place: Larry Harmon, Connection Communicators
Also competing in alphabetical order: Bonnie Estes, Colleyville; Bill Kincaid, Cooke County Area Toasters; Dennis Smith, Ryan Plaza
Susanne Nickerson (Evaluation) and Karen Hauser (Humorous) did a terrific job as Contest masters for the contests. Robi Ley did an excellent job as the test speaker for the Evaluation contest. The contests could not have taken place without the judges, helpers, and of course, the audience. Thank you to all.
The Spring Contest season will be starting soon. Now is the time to write and polish up those Tall Tales and International Speeches! The TLI training will offer opportunities to learn more about the upcoming contest categories, as well as judges training and contest quality training.
Cindy Hinckley
District Contest Quality
by Jodie Sanders