New club taking off at Lockheed Martin

Back, left to right are: Dean Lampman, Willie Mack Hill, Larry Weatherholt, Abi Fanimokun

Front: Lee Tiwari, Karen Hagar, Diana Patton, David Papenmeier, Jesse Torres

A new Toastmasters club geared to technical experts is being organized at Lockheed Martin. District leaders Diana Patton, Dean Lampman, Jesse Torres, and members of other clubs at the company recently attended a pre-charter meeting.

In the featured speech by Lockheed Martin executive Charlie Havis, “Why is Project Management Important on the F-35 Program?” Mr. Havis discussed three legs of a stool — cost, schedule and quality — and asked his audience to take individual responsibility for all three program performance factors in their work on the F-35, which is replacing about 10 other federally funded aircraft programs and which involves a federal investment of between $19 billion and $26 billion. In his call to action, Mr. Havis encouraged his audience to take full advantage of the Toastmasters program.  “What we say is important,” he said, “and it also matters how we say it to our customers.”

The club hopes to charter before the holidays. The contact is Lee Tiwari of Lockheed Martin.

In other Lockheed Martin Toastmasters news:

At the Division A contest on Nov 5, Willie Mack Hill of LM Aerospeakers placed 1st in the Humorous Speech contest and David Papenmeier of Quicksilver Express was the 3rd place Evaluation contest winner.  Willie Mack and David were also present at the pre-charter meeting, and are true Toastmasters!

Karen Hagar

Area 15 Governor

Dean Lampman

Lt. Governor Marketing


by Jodie Sanders