Did You Know You’re Missing Out?


Judges work hard . . .

As I was sitting at the Area 33 Contest tonight getting
ready to judge, I was thinking to myself how much fun all of you were missing!
There’s a core group of judges that have been judging a lot together lately.
Why? Because there just aren’t enough judges available to cover the area and
division contests.




. . . but they don’t go hungry.
Judging and attending all the different
area and division contests is so much fun. I look forward to each and every
contest that I’m able to attend. Am I a “contest junkie”? I guess you could
call me one, and I’m proud of it. I love hearing all the contestants give their
best efforts when competing.

Judges are always smiling . . .

I love seeing and talking to all my fellow
Toastmasters. Yes, there are some “regulars” at each of the contests but there
are also individuals that I don’t get to see that often. It’s great to get to
talk to them to see what’s been going on.

Just look at these happy people!

Next time judges training comes around, consider getting
trained as a district judge. Judging is a great way to “give back” to Toastmasters.
Judging also helps make you a better speaker and, most of all, a better listener.
There is a whole other world outside the walls of your home club. Get out, give
back, you’ll be a much better person for your efforts! I’ll see you at the next

It’s a great life, being a judge!

Chuck Mencke

Public Relations Officer 
(and Contest Junkie) 

 Chuck wrote this article but District News Editor Jodie Sanders (also a self-confessed contest junkie) is to blame for the photos and captions.
By Jodie Sanders