Julie Cosgrove, ATMB, CL Top Notch Toastmasters Fort Worth, Texas |
Years ago, as a budding author, I learned that being able to promote my writing is as important as my writing.
At a writer’s conference, another writer I barely knew invited me to Toastmasters and told me how much it had helped her speaking in public and also on-the-fly with agents and editors.
Prose to Pro: The next week, I experienced the professional warmth of Toastmasters. Now, three books later, I speak to women’s groups at least once a month all over Texas.
“I’m no Beth Moore or Joyce Meyer—yet! But, what I write I can now more effectively convey. More than that, I receive loving support at every club meeting. They are my coaches, fellow players and cheering fans all in one in this life game of effective communication.”
by Jodie Sanders