Grand Prairie Celebrates 25th Anniversary

The “World  Renowned” Grand Prairie Club #6332 celebrated its 25th year of existence recently with a special meeting at Outlaw’s restaurant, a local favorite, on a Saturday morning.

Jim Monahan, DTM was presented a plaque by District Governor David Martin and Diana Patton, the District Governor-elect. Jim is still an active member of the Club and an original charter member. The plaque commemorated his personal 25th anniversary. Jim was the keynote speaker.

Bascom Warden, DTM reprised his District-winning Tall Tale “Oh my gosh.” Another Tall Tale by Sara Boepple, ACB/AL,  “From BABBLE-lonians to World-Renowned” was focused on our achieving World recognition for our Club category, under the old points goal system in place prior to the DCP. Leonard Malley, DTM conducted a lively Table Topics session.

Peggy Holloway, DTM delivered a technically-challenged but nevertheless highly motivational PowerPoint presentation on the 25-year history of the Club and why we deserve the “World Renowned” moniker coined by Ron Smith.

  • Distinguished Club or greater 20 times
  • Club of 8 DTMs; 5 DTMs are still active
  • Toastmaster of the Year
  • Ongoing Service to District 25 – At least one person has served as an elected or appointed leader in District 25 every year since the club chartered in 1986
  • Parliamentarian for 15 Years
  • Three Division Governors of the Year
  • Sponsored Three New Clubs – Civic Orators (1988), Mannatech (2005) Grand Prairie Aerospace (2011)
  • 10 Area Governors
  • 5 Division Governors
  • 1 District Treasurer
  • 2 Lt Governors Education & Training
  • 3 District 25 Governors – Ron Smith (1994-95), Maurice Taitt (2007-08), Peggy Holloway (2008-09)


Of the 29 people in attendance, over half were original charter members, former members, dignitaries or guests.

Our current President Tracy McConnell, CC/CL was the Master of Ceremonies, Roger Warman, ACS/CL called the meeting to order, the Reverend Andrew Hansen, CC provided an inspiring invocation and Area Governor Abi  Fanimokun led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A good time was had by all, and the Grand Prairie Club gained two new members!

Roger Warman
Grand Prairie Toastmasters Club




by Jodie Sanders